Melancholy Play
![Melancholy Play](
The cast and creative team would like to thank the following people, places, thoughts and things for informing us, supporting us, and inspring us during the process of bringing this production to fruition: Aimee Mann, Alexander Rybak, Alexi Murdoch, Alicia Dhyana House, Alison Beatty, Anais Nin, Ancient Roman mourners, Anne Bogart, Annie Hall, antibiotics, Anya Saffir, Banksy, beauty, Beck, Billie Holiday, Bob Fosse, Bon Iver, Brene Brown, Brooke Shaden,, Carl Jung, Cary Grant, Cecile Oreste, Charlie Chaplin, chocolate covered pomegranate seeds, Christiane Arp, Cinema Paradiso, Clara Bow, Cody Buege, Cora Vaucaire, Damian Rice, Deborah Kerr, deep sleep, doing laundry, Doris Day, Dr. Michio Kaku, Edgar Allan Poe, Edward Degas, Elizabeth Peyton, Ella Fitzgerald, Emily Dickinson, Eric Southern, Facebook, glass milk bottles on wet doorsteps, Glen Hansard & Marketa Irglova, Goncalo Ruivo, Google Glasses, Greta Garbo, Grizzly Bear, heartbreak, Helen Sinclair, hot tea, Humans of New York, Humphrey Bogart, Instagram, Irene Dunn, iTunes, Jamie Tyrol, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Jeff Buckley, Jessica Pabst, Jimmy Stewart, Johannes Vermeer, John Early, John Lahr, John Lennon, Jonathan Safran Foer, Jonathan Vandenberg, Joy Silver, kale salad, Kate Bush, Katharine Hepburn, Keith Parham,, Kelly Reemsten, Killer XXX, Koto Bolofo, Lang Leav, Lars Von Trier, Lauren Bacall, legal pads, Leonard Cohen, Lorenzo Valenzuela for “Mamma”, Lorielle Mallue, Louis Armstrong, love, manic pixie dream girl tropes, Mario Bruneau, Mary Cassatt, Mary Crawley, Mary McCann, Matt Silver, Margaret Wise Brown, Michael Cyril Creighton, Missed Connections, Moms Path Class, Neil Pepe, New York City, Nick Drake, Nora Ephron, Norma Desmond, old foreign movies, Olivia Jane Smith, our classmates, our parents, our teachers, past lovers, Pat Gallagher, Paul Schnee, Paula Vogel, Paulette Goddard, Pema Chödrön, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Pink Martini, Pinterest, poems in drawers, Publius Ovidius Naso, raindrops weighing down flower petals, red wine, Regina Spektor, Renato Carosone, Renee Lebas & Jimmy Walter And His Orchestra, Rene Magritte, romantic encounters, Rufus Wainwright, Sade, Sadie Roy Silver, Salvador Dali, Sam Horvath, screen kisses, Scott Zigler, Sigmund Freud, snow, Sofia Coppola, Søren Kierkegaard, Spike Jonze, Stage Kiss at Playwrights Horizons, sugar-coated medication, Super Soul Sunday, Susan Rosenberg, Susan Sontag, Sylvia Baldeva, Sylvia Plath, Ted Talks, the amygdala, The Hyphenates, the Keurig coffeemaker in the faculty lounge, the kindness of strangers, The Marx Brothers, The Red Balloon, those sometimes glances you get every once in a while from those certain people, Thomas Dolby, Tom Costello, Tom Waits, Tracy Chapman, tumblr, Twitter, Valentino, Victor Hugo, Virginia Woolf, Walker Evans, Walt Whitman, Wayne Thiebaud, William Shakespeare, Woody Allen, YouTube, Zoë Keating and, most of all, Sarah Ruhl.
March, 2013
New York City